SA4422 - STP Dashboard
The SA4422 report is the main starting point for STP reports. It shows the detail of each STP applicable record and lodgment status and provides hyperlinks to other related STP reports.
Use the filters to help you narrow your search to find the information you are looking for.
- From /To date: Limits results to only data generated between the selected dates
- Function: Limits results to only STP sends for that function type
- Submission type: Limits results to a specific STP action. For example, SUBMIT (e.g. Pay runs) or UPDATE (e.g. Employee)
- Only show unlodged entries: Limits results to STP applicable records that has not been lodged for Single Touch Payroll
- Only show in progress entries: Limits results to STP applicable records that have been lodged, but have not had a response back from the ATO
- Only show completed entries: Limits results to STP applicable records that have been lodged and have had a response back from the ATO
- ID: Unique ID assigned to this STP lodgment. This ID is used when generating document IDs for the STP data files. This column hyperlinks to SA4414 to show the list of employees included in the STP data file
- Function: The function related to the STP lodgment (e.g. Pay run, Employee etc)
- Record: The Accentis record ID of the record related to the STP lodgment (e.g. Pay run #). This column hyperlinks to the record
- Action type: Indicates the type of Action performed for the STP lodgment
- Submit - Used when sending payment details (ie: Pay run / Supplier payment data)
- Update - Used when sending updated details for an employee / supplier
- Finalisation - Finalisation is a special type of Update action used when finalising employee data for a financial year
- In progress: Indicates if the STP lodgment is awaiting a response from the ATO. When an STP lodgment is performed, this column will say “Yes”. Once a response (or terminal error) has been received, the column will appear empty
- Phase: Indicates the current point in an STP lodgment. The following phases may be shown:
- Not ready - The STP lodgment is in the process of being prepared for action
- Pending - The STP lodgment has been prepared and is in the Accentis Server queue for lodgment
- Sent to provider - The STP lodgment has been forwarded to your selected STP transport provider
- Sent to ATO - The STP lodgment has been forwarded to the ATO by your selected STP transport provider
- ATO responded - The ATO has processed the STP lodgment and responded with relevant details
- Output to file - The STP lodgment has been created as a stand-alone file. Only applicable for FILE providers
- Unknown - The current point of lodgment is unknown
- Status: Indicates the current status of an STP lodgment. The following status may be shown:
- - - The lodgment has not yet reached a point where a status is valid
- Pending - The STP lodgment has been prepared and is in the Accentis Server queue for lodgment
- STP connector issue - An issue occurred while attempting to send the STP lodgment to your selected STP transport provider. Check that STPConnector status is shown as available
- Connection issue - An issue occurred while trying to connect to your selected STP transport provider. Check you have the correct provider details set and that your provider account is in credit
- Issue polling - Details of the STP lodgment could not be retrieved from your selected STP transport provider
- Issue submitting to provider - The STP lodgment was unable to be received by your selected STP transport provider
- Queued for lodgment - The STP lodgment has been received by your selected STP transport provider and is in their queue to be forwarded to the ATO
- Terminal submit error - The STP lodgment could not be sent to the ATO and has been terminated by your selected STP transport provider
- Waiting for ATO response - The STP lodgment has been received by the ATO and is being processed
- ATO response: Waiting for details - The ATO has acknowledged that the STP lodgment has been received but has yet to complete the processing of the lodgment
- Response processed - The ATO has completed the processing of the STP lodgment and responded with details
- Output to file: Complete - The STP lodgment has been created as a stand-alone file. Only applicable for FILE providers
- Unknown – The current STP lodgment status is unknown
- Status description: Text description indicating details for the current status. Once an STP lodgment has been performed, this column will indicate the outcome
- Record has not been lodged! – A Single Touch Payroll lodgment has not yet been performed for the record. Will be highlighted with this colour.
- ATO Response: lodgment ACCEPTED - The STP lodgment completed without any issues. No further action is required. Will be highlighted with this colour.
- ATO Response: lodgment ACCEPTED with warnings - The STP lodgment completed and was accepted, but some warnings were issued. Warnings should be reviewed, but no further action is required. Will be highlighted with this colour.
- ATO Response: lodgment ACCEPTED with errors - The STP lodgment completed and was accepted, but the data for one or more employees contained errors that prevented lodgment of data for just that employee. Will be highlighted with this colour.
- ATO Response: lodgment REJECTED - The entire STP lodgment has been rejected by the ATO. Will be highlighted with this colour.
- lodgment issues: Indicates whether any issues or errors occurred with the STP lodgment itself. This column hyperlinks to SA4416 to provide a list of warnings or errors. This column can contain
- - : No warnings or errors
- Warning: Warnings were present, but the lodgment was still accepted
- ERROR: Errors were present and the lodgment was rejected
- Employee issues: Indicates whether any issues or errors occurred with employees in the STP lodgment. This column hyperlinks to SA4417 to provide a list of warnings or errors. This column can contain
- - : No warnings or errors
- Warning: Warnings were present for one or more employees
- ERROR: Errors were present for one or more employees
- Status details: Short description of the current STP lodgment status. While an STP lodgment is in progress, this column will provide further details of the current state.
- Last activity: Displays the date and time of the last activity for the STP lodgment. This column is updated whenever a lodgment is performed or the status of an in progress lodgment is checked.
- Details: Provides a hyperlink to SA4415, which contains more details of an STP lodgment, including error messages and ATO response data

- Fields affected by STP
- How does STP work in Accentis Enterprise
- How to setup MessageXchange as the STP Transport Provider
- How to setup Other (FILE) as the Transport Provider
- How to setup Ozedi as the STP Transport Provider
- More information & resources on STP
- SA4422 - STP Dashboard
- Setting up STP
- Single Touch Payroll – Your first Pay Run in Accentis
- Single Touch Payroll (STP)
- Single Touch Payroll FAQs
- STP Finalisation and Lodgment
- STP Phase 2 (STP2)